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Cranial Surgery

The surgery consists of a linear incision behind the ear followed by a craniectomy bony opening the size of a silver dollar. It includes potentially life saving surgery to stop bleeding in the brain and remove tumours as well as procedures to address debilitating pain caused by nerve damage. The Macs Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Facelift Is A Procedure That Was Designed To Give Patients A Subtle Ref Facelift Face Lift Cost Face Lift Surgery Cranial surgery includes surgery for tumors vascular abnormalities aneurysms arteriovenous malformations etc blood clots seizures hydrocephalus and deep brain stimulation for neurologic diseases. Cranial surgery . Foroohar is skilled in leading edge microsurgical techniques allowing her to operate using the smallest incisions possible and minimizing damage to healthy brain tissue. Cranial surgery is surgery performed on the skull the cranium. Jump to navigation jump to search. Craniofacial surgeons deal with bone. The most common o...