
Showing posts with the label vesicoureteral reflux surgery risks

Vesicoureteral Reflux Surgery

A defect in the valve keeps it from closing and preventing urine from flowing backward. Left untreated the microbes can multiply causing infection that can result in permanent damage to the kidney. Acute Kidney Failure Diet Kidney Failure Diet Kidney Bladder Surgery for vesicoureteral reflux repairs the defect in the valve between the bladder and each affected ureter. Vesicoureteral reflux surgery . Treatment which includes medication or surgery aims at preventing kidney damage. The disorder increases the risk of urinary tract infections which if left untreated can lead to kidney damage. Children may outgrow primary vesicoureteral reflux. When this happens bacteria from the bladder can enter the ureters and kidneys. This procedure is normally performed in patients that require repeat surgery for vur or to treat vur in adolescents and young adults. Robot assisted laparoscopic surgery is performed by inserting small instruments through several tiny incisions in the abdomen. ...