Nose Tip Surgery
It is a surgery that naturally raises cartilage or autologous tissue at the tip of a wide nose. It is suitable in cases where deformations are present in the nose tip while the nose bridge is already straight. The Correction Of Nasal Tip Cartilage Visible Problem Our customized rhinoplasty procedure. Nose tip surgery . If you look at her frontal view prior to rhinoplasty surgery you can see her nasal tip is not only droopy or heavy looking but also slightly boxy in appearance. The operation is performed under general anesthesia or under local anesthesia with sedation. Hump reduction is an operation to smooth out protruding parts in the middle of the nasal bridge. So by definition she has a droopy ptotic nasal tip that would likely benefit from cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery to help lift it up just a bit. The procedure lasts about one and a half hours. A nose job for this type of nose tip usually involves nose tip cartilage grafting as well as removal of some fatty tissues fr...