
Showing posts with the label yag eye surgery

Yag Eye Surgery

A yag laser can be used to treat several types of vision problems. Examples include sealing leaking blood vessels reducing pressure in the eye replacing the cornea and removing part of the iris. How To Perform A Laser Iridotomy Video Eye Surgery Laser Video During yag laser treatment your eye doctor may use a magnifying contact lens to help with aiming the yag laser at the layer of frosting. Yag eye surgery . The procedure is painless and only takes between 5 and 10 minutes. The most common procedure is a capsulotomy after cataract surgery. Yag laser posterior capsulotomy is an outpatient procedure that does not require anesthesia. A yag laser capsulotomy is a laser procedure where the eye s is dilated giving the doctor a view of the protein buildup behind the implanted lens. Most often patients are placed on an anti inflammatory eye drop for approximately a week. One use for a yag laser in surgery is to punch a hole in the iris to relieve increased pressure within the eye...