
Showing posts with the label meniscus tear surgery recovery time back to work

Meniscus Surgery Recovery

When a true meniscus repair is performed your surgeon is likely to recommend a period of limited weight bearing using crutches or walker for walking and limited motion. It is about middle of the road between very conservative and very aggressive. Pin On Knee Surgery Recovery Upon awakening in the recovery room patients are placed in a knee brace. Meniscus surgery recovery . These measures are taken in order to protect the repair and give it a chance to heal. Recovery will take about 6 to 8 weeks if your meniscus tear is treated conservatively without surgery. Surgery to repair a torn meniscus involves rehabilitation although it varies depending on the injury the type of surgery and your orthopedist s preference. The most common rehab after meniscus repair is listed here. For most recovery from meniscus surgery is generally a straightforward process. Though the surgery to repair a meniscus tear alone is not terribly long the recovery time can last anywhere from three weeks ...