
Showing posts with the label laparoscopic surgery for hiatal hernia

Surgery For Hiatal Hernia

Performed using minimally invasive techniques hiatal hernia surgery is not only successful in relieving symptoms it s well tolerated and recovery is relatively quick. If the hiatal hernia is in danger of becoming constricted or strangulated you may need surgery to ease the hernia or more simply put things back where they belong. A Hiatal Hernia Occurs When The Upper Part Of The Stomach Pushes Through An Opening In The Diaphragm And Into Hiatal Hernia Diet Hernia Symptoms Hiatus Hernia That said significant lifestyle adjustments will need to be made as your body heals. Surgery for hiatal hernia . Surgery can repair a hiatal hernia by pulling your stomach back into the abdomen and making the opening in the diaphragm smaller. This condition can cause severe acid reflux or gerd symptoms. Or your surgeon may insert a tiny camera and special surgical tools through several small incisions in your abdomen. Surgery to repair a hiatal hernia may involve pulling your stomach down int...