Sinus Surgery Recovery Tips
Take at least 1 week off from work to recover from the surgery. Avoid exercising and limiting any exertion for at least 2 weeks following the surgery. Deviated Septum Surgery Information And Recovery Time Jpg Nasal Septum Plastic Surgery Acne On Nose But generally speaking recovering from sinus surgery can be eased with these universal tips. Sinus surgery recovery tips . Keep your head elevated when you sleep for the first two weeks. This would require further surgery to fix. Keep your head elevated to help reduce bleeding and swelling after your operation. The doc doing the surgery was a different doctor than the one i was seeing at the clinic. Today the average recovery time for the most commonly performed sinus surgery ranges from several days to a couple of weeks. Some of my patients just sleep in a recliner for that period. Any surgery of the ethmoid sinus carries a risk of creating a leak in the fluid that surrounds your brain. Here are a few of the best sin...