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Hemorroid Surgery

Surgery to remove hemorrhoids is called hemorrhoidectomy. Finding out that you need hemorrhoid surgery does not automatically mean that you will have a hemorrhoidectomy which is a procedure in which the inflamed tissue is surgically cut off. Heal Hemorrhoids Nutrition Specialist Chronic Hemorrhoids Feel Healthier Suppositories Pregnan Hemorrhoid Remedies Getting Rid Of Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids Doctors refer to these swollen vessels as hemorrhoids. Hemorroid surgery . Hemorrhoid surgery removes swollen blood vessels inside or around the anus and rectum. Surgery is typically not the first line of treatment. A hemorrhoidectomy is surgery to remove hemorrhoids whether they re internal or external. The recovery from a hemorrhoid treatment or surgery typically lasts one to six weeks depending upon the type of treatment the severity of the hemorrhoids and the number removed. Excisional hemorrhoidectomy is the gold standard in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The doctor makes small cu...