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Vertigo Surgery

Benign positional vertigo bppv is a common disorder of the peripheral vestibular system. Destructive surgical procedures for control of vertigo. Surgery Or Natural Way Of Healing Meniere S Disease Disease Surgery Inner Ear Vertigo There are few times when surgery is appropriate for dizziness. Vertigo surgery . In a few cases surgery may be needed for vertigo. If vertigo is caused by a more serious underlying problem such as a tumor or injury to the brain or neck treatment for those problems may help. Surgery for benign positional vertigo. If vertigo is caused by a more serious underlying problem such as a tumor or injury to the brain or neck treatment for those problems may help. The canalith repositioning procedure can treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo bppv which causes dizziness when you move your head. Surgery isn t a common treatment for vertigo but it s sometimes needed. Contraindications to destructive. Vertigo can be divided into two major categori