What Is Double Eyelid Surgery
Double eyelid surgery known more formally as asian blepharoplasty is a procedure in which an upper eyelid crease is created. Eyelid tape is a way to get the double eyelid look without surgery. Asian Eyelid Surgery Medical Surgerys Pictures Eyelid Surgery Double Eyelid Hooded Eye Surgery Candidates for revision double eyelid surgery. What is double eyelid surgery . Double eyelid surgery sometimes called asian eyelid surgery or an asian blepharoplasty is a procedure to create a crease in the upper eyelid of someone who doesn t have one or has one that s poorly defined. Revision double eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty correction or eyelid revision surgery is for the correction of a previous eyelid surgery that was done around the eye area for aesthetic purposes. There is a difference between asian blepharoplasty and traditional blepharoplasty. The fibrous strips are. The procedure creates an upper eyelid with a crease thus giving you a double eyelid amir nakhdjevan...